Here are the CPT Codes (USA)
for the following Blood tests:

Magnesium RBC #83735

Ceruloplasmin #82390

Serum Copper #82525

Plasma Zinc #84630

Calcium, Ionized Serum #82330

Vitamin D, 1.25 Dihydroxy (Calcitriol) #82652

Vitamin D, 25 Hydroxy #82306


Potassium RBC #84132

Selenium RBC #84255

Iron #83540

TIBC (total iron binding capacity) #83550

Ferritin #82728

TSH #84443

Free T3 #84481

Free T4 #84439

Reverse T3 #84482

B12 #82607

Methylmalonic Acid #83921

Lead #83655

Mercury #83825

Arsenic #82175

Cadmium #82300